What insurance should children get?

Until the season changes and the weather changes like this The concerns of parents never change. Especially with children who are still in infancy. or learning age

Especially in the matter of popular diseases in young children that parents probably hear about often, both according to age and season. Whether it is dengue fever Influenza, RSV infection, hand, foot and mouth disease, and avoiding these risks becomes even more difficult when children begin entering kindergarten age. who have to go to school and meet friends or outsiders

The future is unpredictable. Until the day comes that we grow up to be able to take care of ourselves, will we still be able to take care of him until then?

Insurance is therefore another option for parents who want to provide security for their children from infancy. But what kind of insurance can you afford for children? Let’s see.

As for the type of insurance that AIA recommends for young children, it includes life insurance combined with investments. and additional contracts for UDR health protection

For life insurance combined with investment Or unit-linked life insurance will give your little ones life protection that can create an opportunity to receive higher returns in the future than general life insurance.

While the additional contract for health protection is UDR or Unit Deducting Rider, which is an additional contract that pays for insurance by redemption of investment units. It will help you plan your long-term insurance premium expenses more conveniently. Ready to receive continuous health protection

In addition to creating stability for your child’s future with a high amount of life protection, Investment-linked life insurance also allocates a portion of the premium paid to investment. Expand your opportunity to receive higher returns than general life insurance. Moreover, It also gives you peace of mind regarding your baby’s medical expenses. By purchasing additional health contracts for them with their main insurance plans. You can start getting insurance from 15 days of age.

Protect your current health And ensure a stable future for your child with AIA Issara Plus (Unit Linked) with an additional contract AIA Health Happy – UDR.

● AIA Issara Plus (Unit Linked) is life insurance combined with investment. where life insurance premiums after deducting policy expenses are invested through mutual funds There is a chance of getting a real return on investment for your child in the future.

○ Highly flexible Can be changed at every stage of life Can increase or decrease coverage Add investments or withdraw money from your policy Including being able to take a break from paying insurance premiums¹

● AIA Health Happy – UDR is a lump sum health insurance² up to 25 million baht per policy year. Ready to receive maximum benefits doubled³ if a serious illness is detected⁴ for a total of 4 policy years.

○ Helps you to plan long-term premium costs well because AIA will automatically renew the UDR additional contract and have coverage as long as the value of investment units in the Unit Linked policy is sufficient to deduct expenses. pay So that the insured receives continuous protection until the contract expires.

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