Thailand is ranked 6th in being tricked into transferring money.

BoT points out that statistics show that 1 in 5 people in the world have been a victim.

Reporters reported that Phra Siam BOT MAGAZINE, issue 3, year 2023, of the Bank of Thailand (BoT) has compiled financial threats that occur around the world, including in Thailand, in the topic “Collection of online financial threats around the world” based on statistical data. According to The Global State of Scam Report-2022, which shows a continuous increase in scams, in 2021, worldwide, there were 293 million reports of online scams, with losses as high as 55,300 baht. million USD (1.935 trillion baht, exchange rate 35 baht to the US dollar), an increase of approximately 10.2% from the previous year. and is the highest in payment fraud.

This is in line with ACI Worldwide’s report, a global provider of real-time banking and electronic payments solutions, It’s Prime Time for Real-Time 2023, which found that 1 in 5 consumers surveyed in 2022 Have you ever been a victim of payment fraud? While countries that use a financial system that transfers and receives money instantly 24 hours a day at a high rate There will likely be high financial dangers as well. The 5 countries with the most real-time transactions in 2022 include India (89.5 billion transactions), which also has the highest rate of fraud at 44.6%, Brazil. (29.2 billion transactions) had a fraud rate of 22.6%. China (17.6 billion transactions) had a fraud rate of 10.7%, while Thailand (16.5 billion transactions) had the sixth highest rate of fraud in the world at 25.7%.

It also laid out the trends in online fraud across countries in 2022, with payments fraud accounting for 57% of all fraud in the UK. More than 422 million pounds was lost, most of which was through APP scams or convincing people to transfer money themselves. The nature of the offense is similar to our country. The fraudulent funds are transferred to horse accounts to conceal the funds and avoid detection.

As for the highest value of fraud losses in 2022, it was reported that Australians were deceived. The total damage value is more than 3.1 billion Australian dollars. The top 5 most commonly found are: 1. Investment deception accounting for up to 66% of the damage value. 2.Romance scam 3. Fraudulent collection of money, such as collecting the delivery fee. Even though I didn’t order the product. 4. Internet fraud and 5. Tricking people into clicking on links or downloading applications. To control your smartphone remotely It can be noted that this is a case similar to that found in Thailand.

Meanwhile, it was also found that in 2022, Singaporeans faced financial losses of over S$660.7 million. A total of 31,728 cases were prosecuted, an increase that outpaced all other types of crimes. The most common case involves tricking people into scanning a QR code to fill out a survey to receive free bubble tea. or scan to reserve parking Both schemes aim to gain access to smartphones and siphon off money, so it is understood that the victims must be people who are not technologically savvy. On the contrary, more than 50% of victims in Singapore are not elderly. They are working-age people aged 20-39 years because they are a group that uses social media a lot. and have a habit of clicking on various links to read information It can be seen that scammers analyze behavior and adapt their scams to suit their victims.

For Thailand, the 5 types of cases with the most online reporting statistics in Thailand in 2023 are: 1. Deceived into buying and selling goods or services. 2. Tricking people into transferring money to work 3. Deceived into lending money 4. Deceiving people into investing through the computer system and 5. Intimidating them over the phone. After the announcement of enforcement Act on measures to prevent and suppress technological crimes which increases the punishment of offenders who open horse accounts Imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or a fine not exceeding 300,000 baht, or both. Online complaints decreased from 790 cases per day (average from 1 Jan. – 16 Mar. 2023) to 591 cases per day (average from 17 Mar. – 31 July 2023) and were seized. The amount of the account has increased to 10.6% of the value requested to be frozen from the original 6.5%, including the establishment of an online crime problem solving center. Or call the hotline 1441 to receive online complaints 24 hours a day in order to work proactively to solve online crime problems in a more concrete way.

Meanwhile, in the Thai banking sector, banks are pushing for banks to upgrade their systems for detecting and tracking unusual transactions in near real-time in order to quickly halt them. It is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. In addition to detecting and dealing with The banking sector also takes preventive measures by creating knowledge and understanding among citizens so that they do not fall victim. and to achieve a sustainable solution to this problem.


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