Natthawut Rungwong

Doctorate of Philosophy Public Administration Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Master of Public and Private Management National Institute of Development Administration
Bachelor Degree in Sociology and Anthropology Khon Kaen University
2003 – Advanced Certificate Public Economics Management for Executives, Class 1, King Prajadhipok’s Institute
2004 – Advanced Certificate Public Administration and Law Program For senior management, version 3, King Prajadhipok’s Institute
2006 – Advanced Certificate Politics and Governance in Democratic Systems Program For senior management, class 10, King Prajadhipok’s Institute
2014 – Certificate Advanced Security Course National Defense College Association, Class 5
2017 – Certificate Senior Executive Program for National Building Institute for National Generation, Class 1
2017 – Certificate Thammasat for Executives Program, Class 11
2018 – Diploma Executive Innovation Program in the Modern World for Executives National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA MAX, Class 1)
2018 – Diploma Executive Program in Commerce and Commerce Class 11 (Top Executive Program in Commerce and Trade: TEPCoT 11)

Analysts receive a license number 12888
Chairman and Founder of Investment Advisory Securities, Tontarn Corporation

Experience lecturing to educational institutions and various departments.

  • The Stock Exchange of Thailand
  • National Defense College
  • Royal Military Academy
  • Kasetsart University
  • University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
  • Prince of Songkla University
  • Khon Kaen University
  • Walailongkorn University
  • Maha Sarakham University
  • Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Santipol College
  • Thammasat University
  • National Institute of Development Administration
  • Assumption University
  • Rotary clubs
  • Chamber of Commerce of various provinces
  • Etc.

Work experience

Current Positions – Chairman of the Board And the chief executive officer Securities Company Investment Advisors Tontharn Corporation Limited, the first investment advisory securities company approved by the Ministry of Finance. Is under the supervision and promotion of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), established in 1997, reaching 22 years in 2019.

Other positions – Media Invited speakers And regular speakers As a stock market expert for MCOT’s Money Daily. TV (Channel 9, MCOT) and the Radio Station of Thailand Public Relations Department News on 92.50 MHz, every Monday to Friday at 17.25 hrs., News Dimension 90.5 Mhz, Thursday at 15.20 hrs. And various media.

1997-Present – Founder, Chairman of the Board And the chief executive officer Securities Company Investment Advisors Tontarn Corporation Limited (established on December 4, 1997) engages in providing investment advisory services to investors in the Thai stock market. With the approval of the Minister of Finance And under the supervision of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission And is the media Invited speakers, regular speakers as investment experts in the stock market for Money Daily, MCOT TV. TV (Channel 9, MCOT) and the Radio Station of Thailand Public Relations Department 92.50 MHz wave news program, every Monday to Friday And educating the stock market via social media. Including Facebook YouTube

2012-2015 – Own the item And TV presenter “Know Before, Richer” on TNN24 Monday-Friday. Time 13.00-13.30 hrs. And 16.00-16.30 hrs.

1999-2012 – TV presenter “Investor Friend” on UBC07

2003 – 2007 – TV presenter “Open the Stock Door” on Channel 11 TV

2003-2009 – is a expert speaker giving regular interviews on the stock market through the midday news program Radio broadcasting station of Thailand Public Relations Department

1994-1997 – Editor of Daily Stock Newspaper

1992-1994 – Chief Editor Thai Financial Daily

1989-1992 – Being a reporter And assistant editor of news, political newspapers, weekly special news

Other work experience

– is a lecturer providing training on principles and methods of investing correctly for investors all over the country for over 20 years. With over 10,000 people trained throughout the country, it is the origin of the casual call me: ” Teacher Natthawut “

– Being a lecturer giving investment knowledge to various departments such as educational institutions Government agencies and private sectors

– The author of many Best Seller books such as Tidet, Billion shares (Typed 12 times), rich mania two Genghis Khan stock market, year 2000 (Printed 5 times), BBC Bank robbery (Printed 2 times) Read stock minds, make profits in 1 minute (Print 5 times), Secret 4 Mass psychology in the Thai stock market (Print 2 times) etc.


Life insurance agent100%
Securities Investment Advisor100%

Contact info