Recruiting the FA team.

Are you a qualified person of these qualifications?????


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  1. Passionate in work that gives value and helps solving problems for clients and keen to helping Thai people to have a better life and not be a burden to others.    
  2. Want to work with freedom in time, financial, ideas and lifestyle.
  3. Want to create a new world for yourself and your loved ones by working with responsibility that is dedicated, selfless and disciplined.
  4. Want to have a challenging job with the attitude of helping Thai people to see the value and the importance of having disciplined financial planning.
  5. Love to learn, develop, and practice. Look at all changes as challenges in life.
  6. Want to have a sustainable and passive income structure of hundreds of thousands per month.

(FA team recruitment)

Qualifications : between 25-45 years old of age, bachelor’s degree or higher, at least 2 years work experience with an average income of 400,000 baht per year (FA Prime/Financial Advisor)
                  : Bachelor’s Degree or older, higher age not over 45 (FA Standard/Life Advisor)

Interviews (Zoom Meeting) both preliminary and in depth

  • To know the goals – dreams, inspiration, history of success
  • Measure one’s own attitude – current occupation – FA career – family – society – nation
  • Assess quality of the market base, communication ability, thinking skills, analytical skills and problem solving skills.

Cooperation To measure priorities in life responsibility to oneself, others, society by measuring from training and submitting assignments in 1 week, including 200 prospects and Business Plan Presentation.

Training course “Fin-Na’-ree” course, steps to becoming a financial planner, 18 hours. While also learning how to use tools to make financial planning work as easy as your fingertips using the ‘Money Plan’ app
Join field work with mentor to build confidence and learn the process with real experience.
Licensing exam life insurance agent, Investment Consultant / IC License
Interviews with the FA officials to attend the FA Prime course. Learn professional systems. Receive individual certification plan with the opportunity to receive 5 million baht bonus within 5 years.

Build skills Progressing to become FA Entrepreneur through coaching, enhancing skills in analyze, evaluate, financial impact problems skills in arranging appropriate financial plans to customer needs by organizing Zoom Meeting, both individually and in groups, closely monitoring the progress of the work on a weekly basis in order to make the members more professional and able to expand their customers base continuously and consistently with increased operating profits every year, further building FA entrepreneur to be the owner of a private financial advisor company.

If the FA has a license, the qualifications, FA team work by the standards of the organization, FA can open his/her own financial advisory company and expand branches for services cover both domestic and ASEAN clients in the future.

Success in financial planning is to prepare a sufficient amount of “money” to create peace of mind for everyone.

  1. Income Protection Plan
    Making people realize the value of their skills (Human Asset / Invisible Asset) which is invisible to the naked eye but it can be converted to tangible asset (Visible Asset) determined by the value of life insurance capital – the day that the head of the family is gone, the most important thing for the people left is “money”.
  2. Long Term Health Care Plan
    Creating a self-reliance welfare system instead of relying on state welfare because Thailand is not ‘Welfare State System’. Therefore the planning for long-term health insurance is of great importance, not to be a burden to the family, society, and nation. When we get sick, the thing that the hospital wants from us the most is “money”.
  3. Education Plan
    Future education Is the future of children Children are the future of the nation. Planning for a child to graduate to a level that can help earn a living, self, family will help strengthen the society of the nation. The state has revenue from taxation. Reduce the problem of unemployed Reduce crime The day that children have to be in school age. What parents have to pay for the school is “money”.
  4. Retirement Plan
    Moving towards an aging society Allowing people to have longer life periods after retirement Living happily with retirement Not a burden to the offspring Needing enough money Proper financial management and discipline since the beginning of earning Therefore is absolutely necessary What the elderly want Aside from mental happiness The important thing that must be used is “money”.
  5. Estate Planning
    Inheritance tax, property tax collection system if not planning to support, the value of property will drop because of taxes which will become a burden for the children from generation to generation, the complications in the court process in managing the inheritance, problems of conflicts between heirs
    from unfairness in property management planning to deliver assets to heirs at the time.
    When having to inherit, must pay tax to the Revenue with “money.”
  6. Tax Planning
    : Personal Tax Planning
    Accurate personal tax planning Changing tax burdens into savings using financial tools such as deducting expenses, RMF SSF life insurance plans to help plan more family returns in various forms.
    : Property Tax Planning
    Planning to pay land tax for buildings every year And increase every 4 years if not planning the tax Will become a burden for the offspring to transfer assets from generation to generation
    : Estate Tax Planning
    Planning of inheritance tax payment, both giving and receiving In order not to be a burden to the offspring in the process of giving – receiving the inheritance so that the property value must not be reduced from the sale of the property in order to pay the inheritance tax
  7. Lifestyle Investment
    To ensure that All existing assets will be forwarded to the heirs in accordance with the will of the owner of the property correctly, appropriately, fairly, simplifying the court process in managing the inheritance. Reduce conflicts between heirs from unfairness in property management. Planning to deliver assets to heirs While living, it is very important.