How to care for eyesight for office workers

In this day and age, we tend to focus our eyes on screens in various contexts throughout the day, whether working on a computer, watching YouTube, watching TV, scrolling through feeds, chatting, trading stocks, or shopping on our phones. It makes the eyes tired from blue light, causing eye fatigue, dry eyes, eye pain, or it can be serious enough to cause macular degeneration.

  1. Blink more often. To reduce symptoms of dry eyes Or use artificial tears to add moisture to your eyes.
  2. Arrange the computer appropriately Keep the window on the side of the computer screen. To reduce light reflection on the screen Position the monitor from the center of the screen about 4 – 9 inches below eye level. The monitor should not be too high or too low.
  3. Choose glasses suitable for using computers that are specifically designed to filter light from the screen. And use light green lenses that are comfortable for the eyes. and reduce glare from the screen
  4. Rest your eyes every hour by changing your posture. Or get up and stretch your legs. To rest your eyes and prevent pain, trigger finger, etc.
  5. Eat nutritious foods, such as foods rich in omega-3s, leafy green vegetables, salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts, and other non-meat protein sources. Other citrus fruits or fruit juices help provide the body with vitamin C.
  6. You should wear sunglasses that can protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays, UVA and UVB, and prevent cataracts. and macular degeneration Avoid wearing contact lenses for more than 19 hours as this can cause permanent vision loss.


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