financial responsibility

that middle-aged people need to plan
In general, the most challenging stages of our lives. Usually in the age range of 35-45 years because this period of life is a period that is being formed. accumulate wealth and wealth But at the same time, there is a financial burden to bear and carry around. The most formidable risk for middle-aged people is the phenomenon of “getting old before getting rich” because of this age. It is a period that may have to face the burden of expenses all around. both the cost of raising their own family nurturing generations of parents In addition, the debt burden that must be repaid Whether it’s a house loan, car loan, including the need to save money according to personal goals While work and income just starting to stabilize and grow Causing a high risk that there may not be enough money to spend Or do not have enough savings for things that need to be used. If not planned, prepare beforehand, so before taking yourself into this state. Therefore, we should be aware of the various obligations. that we have to bear and how to manage to prepare to deal with various burdens that are ready to throw together well, including
1. Responsibility to yourself
Including the management of their own income and expenditures in order to earn a living without relying on or calling for help from others There is money left over each month. to keep for retirement without income so as not to be a burden to their children.
2. Family Responsibilities
Including expenses that must be paid to dependents, whether parents or children, such as child support, tuition fees, medical expenses Especially if someone is the head of the family. Both parents and children must be taken care of. The more the burden is twice as heavy (Sandwich Generation) because it is a middle-aged person who has to bear the burden of both older people. and younger at the same time
3. Responsibility for liabilities
Including property installments such as house installments, car installments, etc. Overall, these burdens will be long-term burdens. which we have to take responsibility until the burden is exhausted Or if one day we are anything wrong These burdens will fall on the person behind us (that we love) to continue to bear the burden. If we do not plan ahead
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