Did you know? Choosing food can help you feel good.

When we feel tired or stressed after a hard day’s work. I believe that many people have experienced fatigue or stress. And choose to eat sweets, junk food (or junk food) to feel better. But it turned out that instead of feeling good Unhealthy foods such as soft drinks, desserts, or processed foods all stimulate the secretion of dopamine from sugar. and decreases suddenly to affect our mood

Nutrition and mental health care

Nutrition is an important factor for people dealing with mental health problems. From a 2017 study on dietary factors in treating depression. shows that When patients with mental health problems receive correct nutritional information Along with advice on choosing food to eat better. They tend to have lower levels of depression. and less severe

During these many years Holistic approaches to promoting psychological well-being have received a great deal of attention. This can be seen from the number of research studies showing the connection between eating a healthy diet. Exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and good mental health are becoming more publicized.

Terry Harris, Vitality Nutritionist, said: The brain needs nutritious food just like any other organ in the body. “Nutritional factors are linked to human learning, behavior, and emotions. There is a growing body of evidence showing that nutrition may play an important role in the prevention and management of mental health problems, particularly in the prevention and management of depression.”

Most of the time, people eat a variety of nutritious foods. Limit your intake of sugar and unhealthy foods loaded with sugar (such as sweets, chocolate, cakes or cookies), cereals, processed meats or fast foods. There is a tendency to be happy with life as a whole. and has little emotional fluctuation Improving your nutrition can be done by following general nutritional recommendations. Drink enough water to avoid dehydration. Including reducing the amount of alcohol and caffeine consumed.

All of this plays a part in regulating your emotions and reducing your anxiety. Harris said “Mental health is a challenge for everyone. Therefore, we can control our nutrition. At least it helps us feel like we can manage things better.”

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