Career Achievement Bonus CAB2564

Career Achievement Bonus CAB2564

Career Achievement Bonus CAB2564

Get in right away, get stuck, count 1
Eligible contestants
AIA FA representatives enter the program 1 Jan. – 31 Dec. 20
competition rules
– Earn MDRT qualification every year with first-year gratuity (FYC) or first-year premium (FYP) for 5 years from 2021 -2025
– Have LIMRA19M 85% of every MDRT qualification year over a 5-year period
– Have a registered investment advisor license within 12 months from the month of participation in the program and must have a new approval of the Unit Linked insurance scheme within 3 months after the month of registration with a minimum total insurance premium of 12,000 baht
– Has been promoted to a unit manager at the unit manager level (UM) or above within 5 years from the date of joining the FA program.
**For agents who have entered since Feb. 20, if at the end of the fiscal year 2021 cannot qualify for MDRT2022, they will receive
Eligibility to qualify as MD RT2022 in the 12-month duration of the program. and must hold MDRT2023 qualifications
In fiscal year 2022, the Company will allow the CAB count to be the 1st year and perform 5 years of continuous work from 2022 to 2026.
LIMRA19M required 85% of every MDRT qualification year over a 5-year period.