Bloomberg’s reflection is clear!

Bloomberg's reflection is clear!

Bloomberg’s reflection is clear! ‘NIA’ points Thailand to accelerate ‘Industry 4.0-IP-System’
In the past few days, Thai innovation system community ‘Bloomberg’, the world’s leading agency of business news and information. There is an innovation ranking ‘Bloomberg Innovation Index’, the results show that in the year 64, Thailand has moved up four places from 40th to 36th out of 60 countries.

Which can be considered that Thailand is the third in the ASEAN countries. This is behind Singapore (No. 2), Malaysia (No. 29) and Vietnam (No. 55), followed by No. 4, with the dimension in which Thailand has been raised more interestingly, namely the dimension of investment in research and development ( R&D intensity jumped 8 places from 40 to 36 and the researcher concentration increased 3 places from 48 to 45 in relation to the value added dimension from the manufacturing industry. In Thailand, it is ranked 18 out of 60 countries, but what needs to be focused on the manufacturing sector is Production picture In addition to Thailand falling one place from 51st to 52nd, it can be seen that the ranking of Thailand is in the bottom of the 60 countries, reflecting the lack of labor productivity. (GDP and GNI per employed person) that we need to accelerate development.

While the other dimensions are stable or slightly downward. These figures reflect the “opportunities” of Thailand and the important role it plays in this area.

At the same time, the ranking of innovative countries All 7 criteria are used:

1. Share of Investment in Research and Development (R&D Intensity)
2. Value added from the manufacturing industry (Manufacturing Value-added)
3.Production production (Productivity)
4. Number of public companies in high-tech (High-tech Density)
5. Number of students and science personnel (Tertiary Efficiency)
6. Researcher Concentration and finally
7. Patent Activity It can be seen that these assessment dimensions focus on the country’s potential in three areas: knowledge potential. Production potential And advanced technology potential

Pan-Arj Chairatana, Director of the National Innovation Agency (Public Organization) or NIA disclosed on this issue that The ranking results reflect the innovation potential of each country in the international arena as follows: “Quality” is more important than “Size” – 8 out of the top 10 countries ranked. Are small developed countries Which focuses on investment in research, development, manpower and production technology Investing for Future Industry – Today’s tech powerhouses like America and China are not in the top 10, but what’s interesting is that these two countries have dimensions of number of public companies in advanced technology. And dimensions of patent movement Be at the top of the list, showing opportunities for competition and future growth. “And recently, according to the results of the Global Innovation Index ranking (GII), more than 131 countries around the world have been included in the chart to analyze and view innovation development. Ranked 44th and looking back until 2016, Thailand is 52nd, rising eight, and Thailand has also seen the highest rise in the world in the past two years. It was a significant leap in innovation. As a result of continuously driving innovation development These innovations are a small part of the NIA. In development, including partner organizations For the first time in 2020, Thailand has been ranked number one in the World Innovation Index for 2 sub-indices: 1. Creative Product Export Indicator. Thailand is ranked No. 1 in the world. 2. Gross domestic expenditure for research and development. Which is an investment for innovation by the private enterprise sector “

    Which from both GII and Bloomberg ratings That has ranked the innovation index can be viewed from multiple angles. What speaks for investment in research and development is one of the indicators, meaning that both Bloomberg and GII have multiple variables, one of which Thailand increases its investment ratio. (That doesn’t mean investing a lot of money But looking at the money from the private sector and the public sector), the global idea is that the private sector must lead, therefore, if the private sector is the highest, it will be ranked as number 1, which GII ranks Thailand in the rankings. 1st out of 131 countries this year Because the private sector has the largest proportion of R & D investment than the government in the world. But it is not the highest proportion of GDP in the world. Another variable is the gross product that goes into research and development. Thailand grew from 0.2% to 1%, the better measured variable. And third, the better for both Bloomberg and GII is to bring in the proportion of researchers and developers in the private or public sector to the population. This is called the higher the researcher-population ratio. Therefore, building manpower, including the creation of STEM children, is still behind many countries. Therefore, the indicators mentioned must not look at the R & D proportion alone. Thailand still has a need to accelerate and take at least 3-4 years, the ratio in the field of STEM and being able to be startups is small. And another ratio that Bloomberg measures from GII was five years ago by the rankings. Thai tech companies are not increasing and staying constant, meaning that Thailand has players that are startups. Large mid-sized companies that do not increase technological innovation. Shows that even with high investment of R & D, if there are no startups or new companies That has already decided to invest more in technology, it will not grow From the NIA has monitored for 3-4 years, the companies in the stock market. Small, large companies or startups Began to turn to technology And more deep tech The corporations, or VCs, are increasingly interested in investing in medical companies or high-tech companies.

    Which from both GII and Bloomberg ratings That has ranked the innovation index can be viewed from multiple angles. What speaks for investment in research and development is one of the indicators, meaning that both Bloomberg and GII have multiple variables, one of which Thailand increases its investment ratio. (That doesn’t mean investing a lot of money But looking at the money from the private sector and the public sector), the global idea is that the private sector must lead, therefore, if the private sector is the highest, it will be ranked as number 1, which GII ranks Thailand in the rankings. 1st out of 131 countries this year Because the private sector has the largest proportion of R & D investment than the government in the world. But it is not the highest proportion of GDP in the world. Another variable is the gross product that goes into research and development. Thailand grew from 0.2% to 1%, the better measured variable. And third, the better for both Bloomberg and GII is to bring in the proportion of researchers and developers in the private or public sector to the population. This is called the higher the researcher-population ratio. Therefore, building manpower, including the creation of STEM children, is still behind many countries. Therefore, the indicators mentioned must not look at the R & D proportion alone. Thailand still has a need to accelerate and take at least 3-4 years, the ratio in the field of STEM and being able to be startups is small. And another ratio that Bloomberg measures from GII was five years ago by the rankings. Thai tech companies are not increasing and staying constant, meaning that Thailand has players that are startups. Large mid-sized companies that do not increase technological innovation. Shows that even with high investment of R & D, if there are no startups or new companies That has already decided to invest more in technology, it will not grow From the NIA has monitored for 3-4 years, the companies in the stock market. Small, large companies or startups Began to turn to technology And more deep tech The corporations, or VCs, are increasingly interested in investing in medical companies or high-tech companies.

Therefore, the first point is obvious. And need to be strategically placed as follows

1.Elevate the industry Adapting to Industry 4.0 requires more process technology

2. Connect research to innovation Although it ranks better But the R & D Intensity Ranking (No. 36), Researcher Concentration (No. 45), and Patent Activity (No. 35) were not so high. These three dimensions reflect the efficiency of investment and research utilization.

3. Build Future Competency (Future Competency) – The dimension of number of deep tech startups and public companies in high-tech density (# 33) and the number of students and personnel in the field of technology. Science (Tertiary Efficiency) (# 30) is a dimension that reflects the potential of future growth. Because the economy of the next generation needs to be driven by advanced technology. Therefore, the development of entrepreneurship and science is essential to accelerate development of children in STEM education. Technology companies invest more in technology Which is a medium term problem All of this is what NAI analyzed by Bloomberg in its Innovation Index ranking.

However, when asked about The cost of innovation that will increase the innovation index can be said that changing the way of thinking or setting up a business model for startups or SMEs. There is no need for a lot of capital, but requires a group of people. Driving force, which is a matter of network It must be a matter of collaboration model. Connecting groups that make innovation With an innovative group Which is not the only company in Thailand Probably both citizens International company To accept the innovation company brand in Thailand

Finally, the NIA is going to present to the ministers for consideration on the part of the GII, IMD and Bloomberg. Due to the fact that there are many databases One thing to do is to do database innovation, or Data driven Innovation: DDI, as an integrated organization of information innovation or information innovation relevant to these contexts. To help raise the ranking of the innovation index of Thailand From the survey, there was a meeting between the private sector and the state holding information. Some information does not update Therefore, if Data cleansing is performed or data is completed. The ranking may be improved, which is currently in the process of proposing to the Minister. If agreed, it will be offered. Cabinet in the following order Which is considered to drive Thailand to become “The country of innovation” can be another way.

Photo by from Pexels

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