Difficult to survive Food Coma sleepy after eating

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Difficult to survive Food Coma sleepy after eating

Popular symptoms of working people
     I’m sleepy, look out. Recurring adverse reactions, especially for young office workers. After having a full lunch Back to work with sleepiness The eyelids are slack and want to sleep. It is a condition called Food Coma, sleepiness after eating. Which is not harmful to the body but may be dangerous to work If you have to yawn in the conference room in the afternoon

     Food Coma is the feeling of drowsiness after eating full. Caused by the fact that you eat a large meal until full. The meals consist of carbohydrates, proteins, fats after digestion. An amino acid called tryptophan (Trytophan) enters the brain and nervous system. Resulting in the body to relax Reduce tension Until it leads to drowsiness

     Actually, there are many reasons for the food coma. Not caused by eating too full food alone. But also to not get enough sleep Being overworked in the morning Eating too much starchy and carbohydrate foods in your meals Eating foods high in fatty acids cause your brain to release the hormones serotonin and melatonin, which can lead to drowsiness, drowsiness, and tired feeling.

Solve Food Coma symptoms
     It would not be good if during an important meeting in the afternoon And your brain is out of order Because there was drowsiness that harassed Because of eating too much lunch until the Food Coma is sleepy after eating. Simple ways that office workers can cope with this symptom are:

     Each day, try to get enough rest and sleep. By getting about 7-8 hours of sleep per night
Try to avoid meeting in the afternoon. (If able) as a morning meeting instead Because in the morning the brain will be airy and comfortable Best command

     Try to keep an important schedule in the morning. And organize a light schedule in the afternoon
Not eating lunch is too full. Try to avoid carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
Drink enough water during the day.
Try to move the body Or get up and walk Move your body every 30 minutes or an hour to avoid getting too tired.

     But if in the end Your body is really unable to get it, it may take some time off. A 10-minute nap may help rejuvenate.

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Cr. https://th.jobsdb.com/th-th/articles/food-com
Cr. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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