Bangkok is the 3rd hardest working city in the world. Helsinki Work-Life Balance Championship

Bangkok is the 3rd hardest working city in the world. Helsinki Work-Life Balance Championship

Bangkok is the 3rd hardest working city in the world. Helsinki Work-Life Balance Championship
Kisi, the workplace consulting technology company, has released the results of its “Cities with the Best Work-Life Balance 2021” survey.

ILO reveals Work-Life Balance is 40 hours per week, using “time of work” as the main factor in the ranking. which sets the standard of working hard (Overworked) at 48 hours / week or more or an average of 6 days / week, 8 hours or more per day

  • Minimum number of days of leave
  • Right to maternity/parental leave
  • access to the urban health system
  • urban air quality
  • city safety
  • Impact and healing in the age of COVID-19
Both refer to data from the International Labor Organization (ILO) that indicates that work-life balance has a standard of 40 hours per week, or 8 hours per day and 5 hours of work. day/week
Read the details of the rating criteria. And the full research results can be found at “Cities with the Best Work-Life Balance 2021”.
Helsinki won the title of Cities with the Best Work-Life Balance in the World 2021, and according to the “Cities with the Best Work-Life Balance 2021” report, the top 5 cities with the best work-life balance in the world (Work- Life Balance) in 2021 are:
  1. Helsinki, Finland
  2. Oslo, Norway
  3. Zurich, Switzerland
  4. Stockholm, Sweden
  5. Copenhagen, Denmark
Bangkok is the 3rd hardest-working city in the world in 2021.
Part 5 Cities with long working hours and lack of balance in life Or work hard in the world in 2021 from this ranking are: