5 Reasons Why We Should Get Comprehensive Health Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance Together

Many people may think that one health insurance book should be enough. But in fact, there are many cases where we find that just having one health insurance may not cover enough. Let’s look at some reasons why everyone should have both health insurance and critical illness insurance together.
Statistics show that Thai people still have a tendency to increase the rate of “cancer” ailments steadily, finding that in one day there will be up to 381 new cancer patients, with every 1 hour a death will be found. From up to 9 cancer cases (Reference: National Cancer Institute, Department of Medical Sciences and Department of Health) and from the survey also found that People who have cured their cancer still have a chance of getting cancer again.
This is mainly due to changes in lifestyle and environmental behavior, such as eating foods that lack complete nutrients. not enough rest By sleeping less than 8 hours, stress from hard work As well as environmental and pollution problems, they all contribute to the incidence of cancer.
The cost of cancer treatment can reach millions.
This also does not include expenses during self-treatment at home that may be during the lack of income from time off work. Having critical illness insurance along with a fixed-price health insurance ensures adequate cushioning.
Reason 2: Long-term treatment requires a lot of money. Having only critical illness insurance but no health insurance may not be enough. In general, “critical illness insurance” only pays a lump sum when a critical illness is detected. But there is a risk that the sum insured may be insufficient. Especially with diseases that require a long period of treatment, dragging on for years, including cases where special treatments are needed that cause higher costs than usual. Therefore, the amount received may run out before the treatment is completed.
having additional health insurance Thus helping us to have a cushion to support long-term treatment costs. Because the health insurance plan will continue to take care of the treatment costs until the end of the period specified in the contract. It is not only provided for the first time that it is detected like critical illness insurance.
Reason 3: Expenses may not end just in the hospital.
The two types of insurance have different payment methods, with the “lump sum health insurance” only covering the “expenses” incurred for treatment that occurs in the hospital, and the “critical illness insurance” paying. provided in the event that the conditions are met The insurance company will pay a “lump sum” in cash directly to the insured according to the insured amount. Resulting in having funds to spend on rehabilitation after treatment, including food expenses, living expenses in daily life to the wages of nurses to help take care of Because, of course, if he is ill with a serious illness, he may not be able to live a normal life. Including taking a relatively long time to recover as well
“lump sum health insurance” and “critical illness insurance” therefore work together to help reduce the burden of expenses when sick as well and able to cover all actual expenses incurred
Reason 4 : Prevent more risks not create a burden on the family
The illness of a family member changes the lifestyle of the whole household. Especially patients with serious illnesses that may not be able to work and earn as before. or patients who require long-term treatment and are in and out of the hospital regularly And when that day comes, the important question is, “Is what we have enough to withstand the damage?”
Compulsory health insurance and critical illness insurance together thus ensuring that at least when the unexpected occurs The resulting financial impact will be limited. because there will be a cushion to support both the cost of treatment and expenses during recovery Without having to sell a car, sell a house, borrow or create a burden for those around you.
Therefore, alleviate the financial burden of the family by having both types of insurance together. Therefore, it is not only a financial risk transfer. but also to protect family happiness in the event of an unexpected illness. Helps to live with more peace of mind and peace of mind. without having to worry about what will happen to the people behind
Reason 5 : Tax deductible The higher the tax base, the more worth it.
Getting health insurance is not only risk management. Paid health insurance premiums can also be tax deductible up to 25,000 baht per year as well. The higher the tax base, the better. It will be more tax deductible. It is like a discount on health insurance premiums. Helps to have money left over for shopping or other investments. Insurance is the privilege of healthy people only. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
in general People who want and need health insurance are often people who are sick. or recently sick and was hit with severe medical expenses But insurance companies will not accept health insurance for people with pre-existing illnesses or conditions. Or if it is guaranteed, it may be required to collect premiums. higher especially serious diseases If you have had any illnesses before It can be called saying goodbye to health insurance.
Therefore, if thinking of getting health insurance, we must hurry while we are in good health. Have never been ill with any disease to be able to take full advantage of health insurance and critical illness insurance. And hurry to get insurance before it’s too late.
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