8-month life insurance premiums grow 2.36%


8-month life insurance premiums grow 2.36%

Covid-19 mixes with customers’ factories. Money Yen. Carrying money to buy “Unit Linked – Health – Serious Diseases”, the amount is soaring

News reports from the Thai Life Assurance Association revealed that life insurance premiums during the 8-month period (Jan.-Aug. 2021) It has a total premium income of 386,428.60 million baht, an increase of 2.36%, with total premiums (Jan.-Aug. 63) 377,519 million baht, separated into new life insurance premiums of 107,882.82 million baht, an increase of 8. Last year’s month 6.51%, which produced a premium of 101,291.32 million baht, the first year’s premium was 59,063.26 million baht, a negative 10.86%, 8 months last year, the first year’s premium was 66,262.63 million baht, while the one-time premium was 48,819.82 million baht. An increase of 39.37% for the next year’s life insurance premiums can be 278,507.40 million baht, a slight increase of only 0.84%, 8 months last year, the next year’s premiums can be 276,229.41 million baht, with a policy retention rate of 8 months this year at 81 % while the same period last year was 80% or an increase of 1%.

Sales through the agency channel for 8 months this year made an allowance of 190,630 million baht, a negative 0.27% growth from 8 months last year. Sales channels through agents were 191,150 million baht, while sales channels through life insurance brokers (brokers) sold 17,824 million baht, an increase of 3.49% from the same period last year, 17,222 million baht. 160,336 million baht, an increase of 5.55%, with the same period last year made 151,911 million baht, while the sales channel through the mail made 26 million baht, a negative growth of 16.11%, with the same period of the previous year at 31 million baht.


For sales channels via telephone for 8 months this year, 9, 432 million baht, an increase of 1.80%, compared to the same period last year, 9, 265 million baht. Sales via digital channels 483 million baht, an increase of 0.88% over the same period. of the previous year, made 479 million baht, while other channels were able to do 7, 698 million baht, an increase of 3.16%, while the same period of the previous year was 7, 462 million baht

However, from the 8-month number of 2021, it appears that among the main insurance policies, there is only positive growth. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand and universal Produced premiums up to 29,220 million baht, growing up to 89.42% from the same period last year 15,426 million baht ,The pension policy has premiums of 5,535 million baht, an increase of 4.45%, while 8 months of last year, the premiums were 5,299 million baht and group insurance (Group) had premiums of 31,144 million baht, an increase of 2.14% in the same period of the year. Before making allowances, 30,493 million baht, the rest include life, savings, temporary (Term) and others (Others), including industry (Industrial) and others (Takaful + PA Standalone) all negative growth

While the overall additional contract premiums made premiums of 77,568 million baht, an increase of 7.56%, during the 8-month period of the previous year, the premiums were 72,114 million baht, including health additional contracts (Health) produced a premium of 52,353 million baht, increasing growth. 8.81% by 8 months of last year, producing a premium of 48,115 million baht. Produced premiums at 9,977 million baht, an increase of 6.61%. In the same period last year, premiums were produced at 9, 358 million baht. The only additional contract that grew negatively was an accident that could produce premiums. 10,725 million baht, a negative growth of 7.14%, with the 8-month period of last year produced 11,550 million baht in premiums. The rest are other contracts.

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