3 mental illnesses that come with work

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3 mental illnesses that come with work

It would not be in a world to grow up to adulthood, but in a world sprinkled with rose petals. Life during working age Nothing easy And always ready to have obstacles approaching us It’s also full of stress, competition, survival and growth. Until making many people who have just stepped into the world of work Or someone who has been working for a while Have mental problems Which of these psychological diseases is often so frustrating that they can lead to physical disease. And the mental state is not normal very easily. JobsDB wanted to invite to know about mental illness. That often comes with work And let everyone explore themselves and find solutions together.

Stress is a condition that is easily found in working people. Because of more duties and responsibilities Bet more than failing the exam when studying And the high competition in the field of work has made “stress” become the new best friend of many office workers. We already know that stress is one of the first and leading causes of many other physical and mental ailments, a 2019 survey of the Department of Mental Health found that 34% of working-age people. Have a high level of stress Until I feel unhappy In addition to the COVID-19 period This makes the stress rate of working-age people worrisome.

People with abnormally stressed conditions. Symptoms often include numbness, muscle pain, bruxism, headaches, stomach cramps, loss of appetite, insomnia or difficulty sleeping, rapid heartbeat, tinnitus, cold hands, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, colic, nausea, vomiting, lack of breath, abdominal pain, anxiety, poor judgment, forgetfulness, concentration. Short, bad memory, boredom, don’t want to do anything, get angry easily, bad mood, want to drink alcohol Or smoke It is not necessary to have all of the symptoms in order to be identified as being in an abnormally stressed state. But if one begins to have many of these symptoms at the same time For a period of time Should start to find a solution

Basic solution If a person who drinks or smokes Try to start from abstaining from alcohol. Stop smoking first Then try to rank the importance of work and life. Focus on really important matters and let it go. Or overlooked something You may want to try talking to those around you to relieve your stress. And ask for some encouragement May try to find activities to relieve stress that we do not have to think about work once a week. It could be watching movies, listening to music, doing hobbies, planting trees, or exercising. But if you start to feel that you can’t handle yourself Should consult a psychiatrist or psychotherapist Before stress can lead to another disease

Popular problems of the era that can be found in people of all ages. But most often it occurs during adolescence and working age. Which we can see that many parties have turned to pay more attention to “Depression” or “depression” has become more common in the past few years. Which this disease is caused by accumulated stress over a long time Causing chemicals in the brain to work malfunctions Making me feel more sad about my life than it should have been Leading to suicidal thoughts Or attempted suicide Which is a dangerous thing that arises from this disease

The primary symptom of people with depression is that they tend to become introverted. And separated from society, feeling sad, frustrated, hopeless, not appreciating themselves Feeling guilty and blaming yourself all the time. Lack of interest and lack of enjoyment in activities, constantly feeling tired and exhausted Sometimes I can’t sleep Or if they fall asleep and do not want to wake up, lack concentration, have less ability to think and make decisions. Loss of appetite or craving more food than usual Until starting to affect and have problems in daily life and work If it is too heavy, then thoughts of suicide may arise. If you have had these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, this is a sign that they are already depressed.

Basic solution When you get into depression Usually, drug therapy is used along with psychotherapy. But if anyone starts to feel that they are in the scope of being depressed. And still do not want to see a doctor Call 1323 Mental Health Hotline and start looking for a psychiatrist you want to consult. Because if you are already depressed Seeing a doctor is probably the best solution.
Anxiety Disorder

More than 1.4 hundred thousand Thai people suffer from anxiety disorders. This is a statistic from the Department of Mental Health that requires us to turn our attention to this disease. This may be caused by a basic life such as job applications, job interviews. Starting a new job Or concerns that work will not be perfect Until having to keep thinking about finding flaws in order to fix them all the time Or is it the fear of having to go to a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable? The anxiety disorder is caused by genetics or primitive basis from parents, for example parents with children have a chance. And another cause of anxiety disorder comes from the parenting environment, mimicking the behavior of close people. Or caused by some events that have a profound effect on the mind

Initial symptoms: Highs, fears, and excessive anxieties Sometimes physical manifestations such as agitation, fatigue, irritability, muscle aches, lack of concentration, rapid heartbeat, palpitations, sweating, chest pain, choking, dizziness, nausea, or upset stomach. Chills or hot flashes, hands and feet, numbness, fear that you will die. Or doing certain behaviors repeatedly, such as washing hands repeatedly because of fear of not being clean until the hand is scared and something very unusual Until unable to cope

Basic solution You may want to consult the Mental Health Hotline 1323 before you see your doctor. Anxiety disorder is another disease that should be properly treated by a doctor. Because if it is a lot, it will express the body clearly And may lead to life-threatening conditions such as stress that suicidal thoughts Or so afraid that it causes shock It is best to get proper medical attention. Which is often treated with drugs and psychotherapy at the same time

Working people should turn their attention to And take care of mental health along with physical health Keep balance In order to have a balanced life Both physical and emotional happiness And career success

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